Gig Review: Sarah Blasko

October 21, 2009 at 6:43 PM 1 comments

@ The Enmore Theatre, Fri 9th October 2009
After waiting more than two months for an album launch, I braved the miserable and wet Sydney night to see the wonderfully talented and beautiful Sarah Blasko launch her new album. Produced by Bjorn Yttling of Peter Bjorn & John, As Day Follows Night has a brighter, rockier and more voluptuous sound than its two predecessors. Recently nominated for 5 ARIA awards in 2009 (Album of the Year, Best Female Artist, Best Pop Release, Best Cover Art and Best Video) it was easy to see why Blasko received these nominations after seeing her spectacular live show.

I arrived just in time to catch the start of Swedish pop sensation El Perro Del Mar (aka Sarah Assbring). I thought that had Sarah Blasko perhaps taken the sparse, solo electronic route the two artists wouldn't have sounded too dissimilar in their music. Comparisons aside, El Perro Del Mar did not disappoint. Occasionally joining her fellow double neck guitarist with her own acoustic- the duo, backed by a laptop, produced minimalistic, entrancing, delicate and distorted pop ditties and succeeded to woo the patient audience. Overall a fitting support that paved the way for an even more theatrical and quirky performer.

Sarah Blasko graced the stage with a six piece band and was wearing a white, short, space-age dress with huge puffy shoulders up to her ears. The background was feted by a Swiss mountain scene with perfect hazy lighting that reminded me of a dingy, basement 1940's jazz club in NYC. She began her set by playing all twelve songs from her third album, As Day Follows Night (see below for a taste of the album). Half way through the album, she urged the audience not worry and to relax as she was going to play all the songs! After the third song Hold On My Heart with it's pulsing double bass Blasko removed a white piece of material from the chest of her dress to reveal a brightly coloured mosaic heart, she then declared 'there! Now I have bared my heart!'.

The mature songstress dazzled adoring fans with her heartfelt and honest lyrics. Her jerky, robotic arm movements and bold dancing starkly contrast her shy and introverted demeanour when not in character between songs. Blasko's soft whispers and giggles had the crowd in good spirits as she moved on to perform two covers, favourites from her childhood: 1. Seems Like Old Times- Diane Keaton (Annie Hall); 2. Xanadu- Olivia Newton John (Xanadu).

At this point Blasko revealed what was stuffed in her gladiator shoulders. Each arm exposed a rainbow coloured harpsichord structure extending from top of shoulder to elbow. It's hard not to love Blasko and her individual style. I commend her for the risks she takes on stage with her costume and appearance. Half way through the show she even got heckled by a curious and enthusiastic punter 'I love your sleeves' he shouted. Another costume change followed and Blasko moved on to some older songs including Always Worth It and The Garden's End that had the audience joining in and quietly singing under their breath. You could really hear the difference in comparing her older material with the fresh new songs played earlier in the set. All in all Blasko has come a long way as an artist and performer and to see her showcase her new album As Day Follows Night was a real treat and a very special evening! ---SK

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1 Comment

  1. Dev On October 22, 2009 at 8:27 AM

    Really awesome blog... i love it..


    DevPalmistry: A lines tells the story of Ur Life...


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